About Buderim Prostate Clinic
Our goal is to provide outstanding patient service and assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.
Our Doctors
Our Specialists in Robotic Procedures and Prostate Cancer Care.
Dr Tony Gianduzzo
Dr Tony Gianduzzo was educated in Queensland and obtained his medical degree in Brisbane in 1983. He is a fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and a member of the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand.
- info@buderimprostateclinic.com.au
- (07) 5444 0672
Associate Professor Troy Gianduzzo
A/Prof Gianduzzo is a recognised leader in prostate surgery and is internationally accredited as a Surgeon of Excellence in Robotic Surgery by the U.S. based Surgical Review Corporation.
- info@buderimprostateclinic.com.au
- (07) 5444 0672
Our Staff
Our medical and nursing team are supported by our skilled administration team and are always here to greet you and take your phone calls.